Cinnamon PRYMAT, ground, 15g New

Cinnamon PRYMAT, ground, 15g

Ground cinnamon is a must-have spice for many sweet baked goods and... Więcej
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1,80 PLN tax incl. 1,67 PLN tax excl.

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Basic parameters of the product
Supplier's numberSP-000178
Reference number of the product2774-00909-8
Product nameCinnamon PRYMAT, ground, 15g
Product description
  • Ground cinnamon is a must-have spice for many sweet baked goods and desserts.
  • It especially works well for sweets prepared with pears and apples.
  • Therefore, cinnamon is indispensable for apple pies, apple cakes, apple mousses and rice baked with apples.
  • It is also hard to imagine Christmas gingerbread without its addition.
  • It is cinnamon that gives the characteristic spicy flavor to this very baked product.
  • It is also worth adding at least one pinch of ground cinnamon to a boiling compote.
  • Its spicy note also goes well with the aroma of coffee or teas, especially in winter.
  • You can experiment with ground cinnamon by also adding a bit of it to dry dishes, including various meats, such as lamb.
  • When preparing mulled beer or wine, it is worth reaching for ground cinnamon to make the prepared drinks warming and aromatic.
  • Ground cinnamon harmonizes with other spices such as ginger and cardamom.
  • Package: 15g
Stawka VAT8%
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